acts_as_flying_saucer on Rails 3.1 and Heroku

Just quick post how to use acts_as_flying_saucer with rails 3.1 and Heroku. I was testing acts_as_flying_saucer with rails 3.1.It is working fine so far. but when i have added external style sheet it was hanging on dev mode. and later on i figure out it is external style sheet causing an issue. So i precomplied css and then try to generate pdf it is working. Now it is time to test on heroku. I am using cedar stack and ruby

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Dynamic Report In Ruby On Rails

In my recent work i have face some difficulties for generating different report for different organization or client using same application,because every client have their own reporting format. Like SAAS based application if it is generate some MIS report and if client require some more or less information depending upon his requirement we can give some editable facilities to edit and generate report. So to fulfill this kind of requirement user editable report which contains Markup + ruby code for

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Password protected pdf in rails using act_as_flying_saucer

Pdf with password protected in rails In previous article we have seen that how pdf is generated  using act_as_flying_saucer plugin. Now  act_flying_saucer  has added support for  password protected pdf. To generate PDF with password protection just pass :password=>”xxx” to render_pdf method. You can install act_as_flying_saucer plugin For  further details you can visit article or visit

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Generate PDF Using Rails and Flying Saucer

Rails Pdf Plugin act_as_flying_saucer There are various ways to generate pdf documents in any language.In Rails we can use prawn library ,HtmlDoc,PrinceXml and many other library,using their api we can generate pdf document.Basically the primary goal is converting HTML web pages to PDF Document,without much changing existing CSS and HTML. Using the Flying Saucer Project we can achieve this.we can convert HTML + CSS to PDF documents without much changing HTML and CSS. It also support CSS 2 and many

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