acts_as_flying_saucer on Rails 3.1 and Heroku

Just quick post how to use acts_as_flying_saucer with rails 3.1 and Heroku.

I was testing acts_as_flying_saucer with rails 3.1.It is working fine so far.
but when i have added external style sheet it was hanging on dev mode.
and later on i figure out it is external style sheet causing an issue.
So i precomplied css and then try to generate pdf it is working.
Now it is time to test on heroku.
I am using cedar stack and ruby 1.9.2 after precomplied step pdf.
By default pdf is generated on system /tmp directory.
In heroku we can set application tmp path to generate pdf i.e ./tmp

I was testing acts_as_flying_saucer with rails 3.1.It is working fine so far,but when i have added external style sheet it was hanging on dev mode rails is hanging

After litte bit of googling  i figure out it is external style sheet causing an issue because of asset pipeline and thread issue for serving static file mainly in dev mode.

So i simply pre complied css or we can manually (actual full path) or manipulate asset path .after this PDF is generated properly.

Now it is time to test on Heroku.I am using cedar stack and ruby 1.9.2 after pre complied step.

Now point tmp directory to application tmp directory.

ActsAsFlyingSaucer::Config.options = {:tmp_path => "./tmp"}

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