In previous article we have seen that how to start nailgun server,and use of nailgun in shortly. Now in this article how to use nailgun …
Blog Posts
There are various ways to improve “java” performance.One of the way is use of Nailgun. Nailgun is a client, protocol, and server for running Java …
Lately there have been too many people wanting to know how to execute Javascript in Celerity. Let me show you how it done. First a …
Everyone is familiar with routes in rails been a Rails developer we add and edit config/routes.rb many time throughout our application.But let get it straight …
In previous article we have seen that how pdf is generated using act_as_flying_saucer plugin. Following code snippets is used for generating pdf with bookmark . …
Pdf with password protected in rails In previous article we have seen that how pdf is generated using act_as_flying_saucer plugin. Now act_flying_saucer has added support …
In this article i have just taken a short example describing vertical table,and its implementation using rails. When table has no fixed column it has …
Static site using rails As we know rails is mainly used for dynamic website.we can also display static web pages or we can deploy full …
Today, I have started testing Beta release of Rails 3.0.By Default Rails 3.0 start with webrick.To start with mongrel do following steps. 1)Install mongrel gem …
Rails Pdf Plugin act_as_flying_saucer There are various ways to generate pdf documents in any language.In Rails we can use prawn library ,HtmlDoc,PrinceXml and many other …