Custom Pre-Processor In Rails 3.1

Well long break,Let me guess It over 3 month since I wrote my last post. I’ve been kind of  busy lately not manage to dedicate much time to thing that I do. Rails 3.1.0 is been in picture for a quite a while a now and major feature that been included in Rails 3.1.0 is asset pipeline and pre-processor. For those is who aren’t aware of Rails 3.1.0 asset pipeline and pre-processor there is a very good article on rails

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Selenium in headless with Xvfb under RUBY

Today I will demonstrate how did I manage to get Selenium (browser => “firefox”) running under headless state (click here to know more on this) . Now we need Xvfb to accomplish this dirty task. For Ubuntu the package is fairly straight forward just type in the command . Under Fedora the same can be achieve using command . For more on Xvfb package  check your distribution provider .

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Conditional GET

I have to admit this . I always fall in love with RAILS each day as I explore it to know how a complex problem can be handle with great ease and with minimum amount of code. That what made me write this post on " Conditional Get Request." For those who aren’t aware of it let me give them some insight in it. Conditional GETs are a feature of the HTTP specification that provide a way for web servers to tell

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Amazon Simple Queing Service (SQS) + Ruby

Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a distributed queue messaging service. The idea of SQS is to remove the direct associations between producer and consumer and act as mediator between them. e.g Consider that you have a large  application like websites monitoring which involve many stages like Downloading a website Processing the downloaded website Generating report of the above processing So instead of clubbing the above three one can just split them on their specific need(based on the work

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Running Javascript under Celerity[HTMLUNIT]

Lately there have been too many people wanting to know how to execute Javascript in Celerity. Let me show you how it done. First a quick note on JRuby installation. Here are few useful links to install JRuby under 1. Linux(ubuntu) should work for other linux packages as well. 2. Windows. Just to confirm,kindly type jruby -v on terminal or cmd depending on OS you are using and you should get the version of jruby you are running. Mine output

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Routes Testing in Rails

Everyone is familiar with routes in rails been a Rails developer we add and edit config/routes.rb many time throughout our application.But let get it straight how many of us actually write test for routes that we define.I guess hardly anyone does I too used to avoid writing it until I found out how easy and fun it is to write route test. So let me show you A Routes Test has basically 3 parts 1. assert_generate 2. assert_recognizes 3. assert_routing

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