Rchart Charts And Graphs For Ruby

Rchart is ruby port of the slick pChart charting library.

Using Rchart we can develop various format of chart.

  • Line Chart
  • Cubic Curve Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Filled Line Chart
  • Stacked Bar Chart

And many more ,You can checkout examples of rchart.Some of examples are listed below.

Stacked Bar Chart
Rchart:- Stacked Bar Chart

Rchart - 3D Pie Chart
Rchart - 3D Pie Chart
Rchart -Line Chart
Rchart -Line Chart

Rchart gem require ruby-gd gem and GD library.

To install rchart gem on ubuntu following packages needed.

  • sudo apt-get install libgd-ruby
  • sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
  • sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev
  • sudo gem install ruby-gd

After installing rchart,You can checkout examples of rchart.

More examples of rchart is available on http://amardaxini.github.com/rchart/.

Online Documentation is available on http://rdoc.info/gems/rchart/1.1.1/frames

If you have found any difficulties to install or running rchart,then comment on this post or write issues on github.

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